Color connect for Android
Color connect app for android description: By the creators of the penguins have come to town...
They 39 re ready to hit the gym dine out and party hard!
Make your custom penguin happy and watch them come to life!
Don 39 t type your facebook and twitter status...
Shake it.
Color connect lets you share your status visually using custom penguin avatars just by shaking your phone.
Whether you 39 re in class busy working hitting the gym having fun in town or whatever and you don 39 t want to be on your phone typing we have a penguin for you.
Once you 39 ve selected your penguin simply share your status through facebook and twitter using the shake to share feature.
Also set your penguin as a photo in your contact book and set it as your wallpaper.
Be creative and don t forget to show your penguin some love they love to be pet on the stomach.
Then pat yourself on the back because color connect donates a portion of all profits to charity via.
If you have a question comment for color connect 39 s ceo feel free to reach out to him...
He loves hearing from users!
Color connect is the 2011 people s choice and category (social networking) winner of the vcast power your app contest
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