Vox spanish language thesaurus for Android
Vox spanish language thesaurus app for android description: The indispensable vocabulary to improve the knowledge of the spanish language and to express oneself with the maximum precision when talking and writing 25 500 entries 128 000 synonyms and antonyms 7 500 quotations and commentaries that facilitate the choice of the appropriate synonym or antonym in each context an exhaustive repertoire of the language spoken in spain and in america a clear lay out that makes the use of this dictionary much easieralso includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from mobisystems inc.
Search tools effortlessly find words thanks to a clear functional and easy to use interface.
Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for: search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases an automatic fuzzy filter to correct word spelling as well as wild card ( 39 39 or 39 ? 39 ) to replace a letter or entire parts of a word camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results share word definitions via installed apps on your devicelearning tools engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.
Favorites feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library recent list to easily review looked up words word of the day section to expand your vocabulary daily home screen widget provides random words at a glance new split screen support for android 7 allowing you to use dictionary together with other apps this is a fully functional 30 day trial version get more by purchasing the full version of the vox spanish language thesaurus: feature complete license for unlimited time offline mode look up words without an internet connection premium supp
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