Touchdaw free for Android
Touchdaw free app for android description: Demo version of touchdaw a full featured daw controller with some general purpose midi tools.
Lets you remote control popular digital audio workstation software as known from standard hardware control surfaces.
This is a midi controller!
The app does not itself play or record audio!
Supports cubase nuendo live logic pro tools sonar fl studio reaper reason studio one samplitude sawstudio digital performer (- 2+) vegas acid tracktion and bitwig workstations.
Standard functionality like mixer and transport operation will be accessible in other applications with basic control surface support as well.
As of version - 1 the app can also send midi machine control (mmc) in parallel with or alternatively to standard daw control.
Besides control surface emulation the app brings a number of general purpose midi controllers such as a multitouch midi keyboard multitouch launchpads a midi mixer configureable xy controller pads and the possibility to link a phone 39 s sensors to midi controllers.
Touchdaw works with rtp or multicast midi over wifi and is directly compatible with apple 39 s network midi implementation in mac os x tobias erichsen 39 s rtpmidi driver for windows and ipmidi (resp.
Multimidicast or qmidinet on linux).
There is no computer side server or protocol conversion software other than the driver required.
Class compliant midi interfaces are supported on devices with usb host mode.
Direct device to pc usb connectivity is available both via the android 6 midi api as well as over tethered usb connections or adb.
A free driver available from our website is required for some of the proprietary solutions.
Please note that with version - - 5 the app has been officially feature closed and put into maintenance mode.
We will continue to support it adapt to changes in future android versions fix bugs where necessary answer support requests that reach us via email or the app 39 s website etc.
But there will not be any more features added.
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