Toshl finance budget & expense for Android
Toshl finance budget & expense app for android description: Toshl finance helps more than 2 million people keep track of their personal finances.
Know your finances.
Have fun!
Quot of all the apps for monitoring spending one of the hardest to beat is toshl finance.
Quot new york times now i know where my money is disappearing to thanks to toshl...
Quot bbcwinner of the europa award for best commerce finance or payments startupshed some light into your financial abyss.
Find out: how much you spend.
What you 39 re spending on.
When to pay the bills.
Where you can save while still having fun.
Toshl will help you with: brilliant data visualisations big picture overview of how your money flows each month how much you have left to spend this month while maintaining your budget goals pie charts bubble graphs expense locations map monster tips to keep your finances funky and funquick easy expense entry add an expense in 3 seconds it 39 s that simple save an amount and category with each expense add optional data if you like optional multiple tags financial account location description repeats reminders photos tip calculator when adding the amount use any world currency (165 currencies with fresh exchange rates) budgets budgets for all expenses or filtered by categories tags or accounts budget for any time period optional rollover to the next budget period notifications can warn you when you approach your budget limitsbill organizer repeat any expense (or income) in a custom time period reminders before or when the bills are due mark any bill with paid unpaid markerreceipt photos (with toshl pro) take a photo of the receipt or the item itself up to 4 photos per expense or income backed up with your expense data on locations save the foursquare venue or gps coordinates with any expense or income see maps of your spending and how much you spent at an individual place make a quick foursquare swarm check in while you add an expense locations are completely optional
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