Tamil news alerts for Android
Tamil news alerts app for android description: Read and share the latest news headlines from the leading news sites.
Customize your alerts to receive notification on the latest news.
This app supports variety of news sites which includes...
(Malai malar) (dinamalar) (dinamani) (dinakaran) (tamil hindu) (thats tamil) (daily thanthi) (tamil sutra) (thalipu seidhigal) (yahoo news) (web dunia) (tamil murasu) (vikatan) (nakkheeran) (thinaboomi) (tamil murasu singapore)bbc (bbc tamil) (viduthalai) (malaysia indru) (uthayan) (kumudham)more will be added soon.
You can share the news by sms email etc.
Also through your installed apps like facebook google+ e menu and use the change font option if you see scrambled font.
Enable news alerts as message notifications.
You can configure the news alters by choosing your interested news site and its category.
You can also define when you want to get alerts e.
From 6: 00 am to 9: 00 pm.
You can also define how frequently get notification.
Every 15 minutes every 1 hr etc.
Use settings menu to configure the news alert options.
Note: news alerts works only android - 3 or above.
You should install the app in phone to receive the alerts if you install it in sd card you will have to open the app at least once after restart the mobile to receive alerts.
If you want to move the app from sd card to phone then go to your phone settings and select manage applications select this app and
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