Smart caller name announcer for Android

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Smart caller name announcer app for android description: Smart caller name announcerautomatically announces incoming caller names sms sender 39 s name and reads message content.
So we can easily judge whether to attempt the call or not in driving bathing or meeting etc.
Smart caller name announcer announces caller names from the contact list sms senders names from the contact list announces unknown calling for the callers not in contact list.
Reads message body or sms content.
This free app has various customization features: enable disable caller name announcer enable disable sms announcer select count to repeat the caller name choose time delay in between the announcements announce call received from person not in contact list customizeyour own voice message during incoming callsand sms enable disable answer call by shaking mobile turn on off announcements for unknown calls and sms customize audio settings customize profile settings customize volume settings customize voice settings customize speaking languageuses and advantages of smart caller name announcer identify who is calling while you were in driving.
Know who is calling while you were bathing.
Know who is calling while mobile chargingand this caller name announcer has many more amazing and useful e this app like caller name speakerso download now for free!
Download Android 2.3+ Smart caller name announcer.apk | 2MB

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The perfect name announcer app for your smartphone that reads out the callers name so that you can easily choose whether or not to answer the call. Caller .. - Download free smart caller name announcer.apk for Android 2.3+ mobile. ApkHere is really the best place to quickly find thousands useful apk apps and new android video games for Samsung Galaxy, Huawei, LG, Sony, Meizu, Asus android phone or tablet devices. All Apk Here apps sort of the most popular categories like education, photo editor, social, fitness, tools apps and brain, card, action, puzzle, online, arcade, racing games in .apk files format. Simple, Fast and safe Apk apps store for your android at
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