Korean for smart keyboard for Android
Korean for smart keyboard app for android description: Dictionary to be used only with smart keyboard pro appv- 2: fixed wrong word endings now 200000 word forms!
Can be stored on sd card (froyo only)restart phone after installdon 39 t try to open it after installation you just need to change the language in smart keyboard to use this dictionary.
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Spanish for smart keyboard
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Ukrainian for smart keyboard
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Greek for smart keyboard
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Russian for smart keyboard
Dictionary to be used only with smart keyboard pro appdon 39 t try to open it after installation you just need to change the language in smart keyboard to ..

English for smart keyboard
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Chinese for smart keyboard
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Afrikaans for smart keyboard
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Bulgarian for smart keyboard
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Turkish for smart keyboard
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French for smart keyboard
Dictionary to be used only with smart keyboard pro app. Don 39 t try to open it after installation you just need to change the language in smart keyboard p..