Home workouts for Android
Home workouts app for android description: Have you ever wanted to get fit without leaving your home? Lose weight get in shape and form abdominal muscles? Now you can thanks to caynax home workouts app.
These simple and effective exercises which are great for weight loss can be done at home to improve stamina and increase overall body strength.
Remember about warm up and stretching routine before workout.
You can select from workouts like: hict (high intensity circuit training) tabata office workout butt workout challenges (like push ups challenge squats challenge sit ups challenge) and other cardio workouts.
Workouts can consist exercises like: abdominal crunches calf raises chair squat chest expansions high knees jacks lunges leg raises mountain climbers plank punches push ups squats step up onto chair triceps dip on chair wall sit and more.
Follow caynax path: burn body fat with caynax home workouts or caynax hiit.
Get perfect abs with caynax a6w or caynax abs ii workout apps.
Permissions: read phone state used to detect incoming phone call and pause workout.
Receive boot completed to start reminder service after phone start.
Access network state internet ads googleanalytics.
Write external storage read external storage store generated tts files on sd card.
Wake lock to ensure that workout works when screen is off.
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