Fast charger battery for Android
Fast charger battery app for android description: Fast charger battery is an ultimate tool which can boost your battery charging speed by 20 40.
This app will automatically activate when you connect your charger and it will boost your charging speed.
How fast charging works when you connect your charger fast charger battery will detect it and limit the power consumption of your phone tablet.
Then your battery doesn t withdraw much power during the charging time and therefore it can charge very quickly.
According to our tests this will reduce your charging time by 20 40 (depends on the device)how to use fast charging launch the app and turn on the fast charge mode when power is lower than 20.
It will automatically boost your charging speed up to 80 when you connect the charger by plugged in usb power.
When the battery fast charge up to 80 it not only automatically switch to healthy charging to get fully charge battery but also switch to trickle charging to get longer battery life.
Fast charger battery up to 20 40 faster than other apps.
Fast charging features nice and user friendly ui.
Shows the battery capacity in the app.
Shows time left before and after charging.
Automatically activates fast charging mode.
Automatically turn off wifi 3g.
Automatically turn off bluetooth.
Kill process.
Notification when full battery.
Fast charger battery is free app.
Thanks for use fast charger battery!
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