Electrical instrumentation for Android
Electrical instrumentation app for android description: Complete free handbook of electrical instrumentation with diagrams and graphs.
App covers notes on electrical instrumentation.
The best app in engineering education also brings the blog where you can contribute your work and get the research industry university news on the subject.
The application serves to both engineering students and professionals.
It provides quick revision and reference to the topics like a detailed flash card.
Each topic is complete with diagrams equations and other forms of graphical representations for easy understanding.
Electrical instrumentation with 280 topics for easy learning.
The topics are divided in 5 units.
- Introduction to ac electricity- circuits with r l and c- rc filters- ac bridges- magnetic fields- analog meter- electromechanical devices- introduction to basic electrical components- resistance10.
Capacitance1- inductance1- introduction to electronics1- discrete amplifiers1- operational amplifiers1- current amplifiers1- differential amplifiers1- buffer amplifiers1- nonlinear amplifiers1- instrument amplifier20.
Amplifier applications2- digital circuits2- digital signals binary numbers2- logic circuits2- analog to digital conversion2- circuit considerations2- introduction to process control2- process control2- definitions of the elements in a control loop2- process facility considerations30.
Units and standards3- instrument parameters3- introduction to level3- level formulas3- direct level sensing3- indirect level sensing3- application considerations3- introduction to pressure3- basic terms3- pressure measurement40.
Pressure formulas4- manometers4- diaphragms capsules and bellows4- bourdon tubes4- other pressure sensors4- vacuum instruments4- application considerations4- introduction to actuators and control4- pressure controllers4- flow control actuators50.
Power control5- magnetic control devices5- motors5- application considerations5- introduction to flow5- flow
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