Courseguru free online courses for Android
Courseguru free online courses app for android description: free college courses by best universities and colleges courseguru is the world 39 s largest free online courses with free video lectures tutorials lessons provider.
Courses (video lectures) are provided by top universities like mit stanford harvard yale mcgill uc berkeley njit ucla nptel (iisc bangalore iit bombay iit delhi iit guwahati iit kanpur iit kharagpur iit madras iit roorkee) and khan academy as well.
Subjects include accounting computer programming digital electronics computer networking law finance literature physics medical sciences and many more.
Just download this app and start non stop learning anywhere anytime.
Features: login with either facebook or google account you can enroll to a course and track your progress you can write your own notes and read them offline you can review courses provide feedback and rate courses for helping co learners get notifications for your subject of interest only some courses offer videos to download and watch them offline add reminders to your calendar right from the app so you won 39 t miss your schedule create favorite lists multiple playlists sync across multiple devices: your subscribed courses favorite lists playlists are synced automatically when you log in to a different device upcoming updates: mooc course catalog (coursera udacity edx novoed etc..
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