Construction calculators trial for Android
Construction calculators trial app for android description: supports both metric and standard units 34 great tools in one app trial version: use any of the tools or any feature 25 times.
Test the product before making the purchase.
This version has the same features as the pro version.
It just has limited number of uses.
35 great tools in one app capture image: use this tool to take a picture and take notes on the picture.
Use the picture as a background for your sketch.
Save and email the sketch.
(Experimental supports 1 3mb image resolution) my favs: add any of the tools to the my favs screen and access it from there.
Add notes conversions calculator total summary feature full calculator my tools my budgets drywall calculator carpet calculator paint calculator floor tiles calculator airconditioner btu 39 s wallpaper calculator concrete calculator wall studs calculator brick calculator roofing calculator trusses calculator rafter calculator mulch calculator insulation calculator heater calculator drywall mud calculator base board trim calculator concrete block calculator concrete sona tubes calculator concrete footings calculator roofing sheathing calculator concrete pavers calculator concrete gravel calculator electric garage heater calculator roofing shingles calculator roof pitch calculator schedule any of the saved projects to your calendar.
Features: email all the saved calculations save unlimited projects for each of the calculators.
( Pro version) set up tolerance (from 1 to 100) value globally for all calculators.
All calculators display both actual and the tolerance values.
Elaborate help screen configuration screen to configure default labor rates for different calculators all calculators list the material price labor price and total price.
Associate a name with each project save as many notes as you want.
Add the projects costs across different calculators configu
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