Champions of league of legends for Android
Champions of league of legends app for android description: !!
Win free rp!
Available in multiple languages (change your language in settings ) best app for league of legends!
Everything you need to know about lol must have for anyone serious about this game always up to date with the latest patches!
1 league of legends app over 3 million downloads!
All in one app for information you need about every champion in league of legends!
You can study any champion to enhance your gaming learn about the champions you are facing learn the new champion find out who is currently op!
Search sort and filter to find your champion faster video for each champion spells read about champion lore (background story) view all skins of champions check out champions in weekly rotation get sales information on champions and skins much more!
Also check out league of legends items app for all the information you need about items!
Check out the details for free rp event in the app!
Please send errors suggestions to lolchampions help us with translation: please email lolchampions if you can help us translate this app into your language!
Website: apps.
Gg league of legends champions facebook: https: leagueoflegendschampionsappleague of legends champions isn 39 t endorsed by riot games and doesn 39 t reflect the views or opinions of riot games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing league of legends.
League of legends and riot games are trademarks or registered trademarks of riot games inc.
League of legends riot games inc.
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